Fumbles and Stumbles

We all fail.

We all fall.

If you do not believe this or haven’t figured out a way to reconcile this Truth with yourself, then you will be a very unhappy person throughout your life.

We all make mistakes.  There is no perfect.  With the mistakes comes the Learning, if you are open and do not seek to blame others.  Accept responsibility for your actions and acknowledge that you will, at times, even with the best of intentions, stumble along the Road of Life.

Humility is a great quality that seems to be severely lacking these days.  When you admit you are wrong, you then allow the lesson to be learned.

But, here’s the more important part . . . Life is a collaborative effort.  You are part of a Team called the Human Race.  You can choose to ignore the coaching and the encouragement but it remains.  Everyone is in this together.  You are never alone.  Only you will consider this thought to be untrue.

Even when you are miles from another human being you are still not alone.  There is a Cosmic Consciousness that exists.  It requires no special knowledge, no secret password only your Belief that it is there, always there, no matter what.  No judgement.  Only Forgiveness.  It just Is.  Just as you just Are.

And You and It are One.

So the next time you feel as though you may have done something that harmed someone else or yourself, pick yourself up and apologize and Listen to the lesson so that you do not stumble in the same place again, but keep moving forward . . . ever moving forward on the Path.

As they say, ‘Shit Happens’, but it’s what you do with it that makes all the difference.


Imaginary Dragons

I have no use for Fear.  But just because I say that doesn’t mean I don’t feel it now and again.  Lately, like a small horde of invisible rodents Fear has been gnawing at my insides.  Not so much that it stops my thinking, rather more insidiously, quietly, softly.  Somehow Fear has entered my consciousness and I need to purge it.

So, here’s a little story I’ll tell myself before I go to sleep…

Once, long ago, in a land filled with vast lakes, and mountains that appeared to scrape the very sky and deep dark forests whose trees grew so thick not a single ray of sunlight hit the earth where they stood rooted like soldiers, there arrived a little boy.

His world was small.  He did not notice the trees, nor the mountains.  Instead, at first, his curiosity was filled by his toes and the wet nose of the family dog, although he had a name for neither.  His thoughts were of the comfort of his blankie and the sound of his mother’s voice.

But soon enough the little boy grew, as children are wont to do and his world grew.  Now, he was allowed to play outside in the tiny yard.  It was fenced as much to keep him in as to keep other things out.  The fence, though was not so tall as to prevent the boy from looking  at the expanded world around him.  And so he saw the hill in the distance and how those tall trees guarded it, and he saw the mountains rise even farther away and watched in silence as the big puffy clouds hung low over them.  And as children do, he wondered about what might be on the other side of the hill.

He’d already become acquainted with both the thing that hid under his bed and the monster that lived in his closet so, it was no big thing for him to fill his mind to bursting about what might lie over the hill.  At first he thought perhaps there might be a castle, and knights and maybe a tournament where they would arrive in their armor and finery.  He, with his paper crown and twig sword imagined himself riding a fine steed (one that looked conspicuously like the family dog) and winning lots of colorful ribbons and the favor of a lucky princess.

But one day the very dirt beneath him vibrated and shook and with this came a terrible rumble  . . . and the occasional groan.  Not the groan of a person but one of something much larger.  Soon the boy’s mind was filled with images of dragons.  Not just one but many.  They were angry and hungry and he knew without a doubt that one day they would come for him and his family.  And what would he be able to do being just a boy?

He saw the dragons in his sleep, all shades of green and blue and gold.  He saw their scaly wings and toothy mouths.  He saw their sharp claws and long spiny tails.  But worst of all he saw the fire they breathed.  And he was very, very afraid.  Fear had griped him as much as any real dragon ever could.

One day the boy’s mother spoke to him and told him there were no dragons over the hill, upon learning of his Fear.  And she put on his warm wool jacket and made him wear his red rubber boots because it had rained the night before and there were sure to be puddles, and she walked with him down a path he’d never seen before.  She brought him right to the very top of the hill.  The one he could see in the distance from his place in the yard.

There, she stopped and said nothing as the boy took in the scene.  Below him were no dragons.  No monsters.  Nothing that could bring his family harm.  There were bright yellow bulldozers and dump trucks and lots of men wearing yellow hats.  They were moving dirt and erecting steel, clearly building something.

He learned this was to be the town library.  A place his mother said where he could let his imagination run wild.  A place where there would be no dragons, unless of course, he invited them . . . because, as everyone knows  you cannot Fear something once you face it.

Time to face my own dragons, I guess.  It’s the only way to move forward.


Pins and Needles . . . Well, Just Needles Really

I had my first Acupuncture session a few days ago.  I know… I’m always late to the party.

So, anyway, you’d think I’d be open minded enough to have done this years ago but the truth of the matter, upon great consideration, is that I really wasn’t Open, nor was I ready.  Thankfully, I am more Open than I’ve every been and it seems I’m learning things at a faster rate these days which flies in the face of the whole aging process.  My mind can’t seem to get enough ‘food’.

For the past several years I have been studying healing in a whole different light.  In a way that encompasses Mind, Body and Soul.  I’ve been reading about the many other medicines other than Western and slowly but surely I have come to understand that those, while not always viewed in Western society as equal or even better than the Science of Medicine practiced in the Western world, they possess their own brand of healing, something to which I gravitate to.

I believe something natural is always better than something man-made in terms of diet and health.  Sure there are plenty of pills that can help with afflictions, but pills or shots don’t always cure the underlying cause of Dis-Ease.  They simply mask it just enough that we are able to survive, tho there is some question to Quality of Life.

I went in to the appointment with an Open mind.  I was asked plenty of questions as any doctor would, but they were different questions.  More to the root of me.  Questions that I had to think about, not just repeat by rote.  Many notes were taken and I will admit to feeling a bit insecure by that.  I mean were they good notes or notes that even this course of treatment was useless?  Thanks, to my ego for this.

Soon I was on the table.  When I was asked if I wanted to see the actual needles I declined.  I mean why make me even more skittish?  Instead I closed my eyes and relaxed as my pulse was taken.  I listened to the soothing music and waited for the pain.  It actually never came.  I felt a pinch here and there but really nothing else.

My body felt heavy and there was an achy feeling in some areas but it wasn’t enough to complain about.  I lay there for thirty minutes undisturbed except once when I was asked if I was feeling okay.  Even then I quickly fell back into the trance I’d fallen into.  I saw some pretty incredible colors as I focused on my Chakras.  Pretty explosive colors and I was under from that point on.

Time both stood still and passed in a heartbeat.  Suddenly, it was over.  I got up and sat on the table for a few moments, asking if it was normal to feel so out of it.  The answer was yes.  Though every session is different for different people.

A few hours later I felt tired, but then rebounded with a bang a few hours after that and have been flying around on some sort of incredible energy high every since.  The thought process is that my energy of Qi was blocked somewhere and the acupuncture had removed the block.  Pretty awesome.

It’s several days later now and I still feel pretty good.  I slept deeply and completely for the first time in I don’t know how long even with meditation and yoga and everything else I do.

Here’s the thing . . . we can prevent ourselves from healing simply by our preconceived notions.  I’ve been juicing for a while now and let me tell you it ain’t always so yummy tasting, but I know it’s good for me so I keep at it.  If I’d have turned away simply because of my fear of needles, my Western education, etc., I’d be missing out on a whole other world of goodness.

So once again I say stay Open.  Stay as Open as you can to new things, new thoughts, new experiences and they will take you on the most incredible Journeys.  Let Fear not rule your life or your thoughts for Fear is simply a resistance to the Unknown.  Or in layman’s terms be a sponge for all the days of your Life and soak up as much as you are able so that your world is color-Full.


Into The Fire

Life isn’t always a bowl of cherries and the situations that arise aren’t always positive no matter how much personal growth you’ve got under your belt.

Recently, I had to enter into the fire in order to stay true to myself.  I had to stand up for my integrity and that meant challenging others who viewed themselves as my superior in the workplace.  Unfortunately, just because YOU’VE grown spiritually doesn’t mean others have.  In fact that’s probably the most common situation and the least humorous, (read: trying)

 Into each life a little rain must fall but whether you view that rain as a negative or a positive is entirely up to you and the outcome will stem from how you view the situation.

Knowing I had to suit up so to speak and gird myself for the battle, I asked the Universe to help me find the right words.  The Universe responded quickly, like a slap upside the head, and I heard these words very clearly:

‘If you approach a situation with hostility, you will be met with hostility.’

Yes, I’d been feeling threatened.  Yes, my ego was running wild.  Yes, I had given my power to others due to my feelings of anger and resentment.  And . . . yes, I was feeling rather hostile.  What I’d meant by the request to give me the words was to make sure I didn’t drop any F-bombs… (look, I said I was on the Path, NOT that I’d made it to the finish line).  Sigh.

So, when I received the message I immediately changed my tact.  Instead of approaching everyone with the slow burning anger that had been fueling the days prior to this meeting, I let it all go and focused on what I wanted, not just for me, but for everyone involved.  Was it ridiculous?  No.  I wanted everyone to shed their egos and come to this place Open and with the intent to work for the greater good.

I let go of the Fear.  I spoke calmly and clearly and with purpose.  Without any emotion.  Emotion equals ego.

And you know what?

Everything fell into place.  People listened.  They agreed.  They admitted mistakes and they promised going forward things would be different.  We all agreed to move forward together and instead of pointing out our differences as a negative, we determined we would celebrate each person’s individual style as long as we all accomplished the goal we set for ourselves.

I’m still a bit stunned.  This was a high profile meeting that I felt, early on, I had no chance of being heard at . . . and then, simply by letting go and trusting the Universe, everything fell into place.


Still awed.

I hope each and every one of you experiences the difference you make when you change how you approach a situation.  It truly can be amazing.

In gratitude.


. . . And ACTION!

Camera zooms in…

You are seated in a room.  You are alone.  You are lost in thought.

Are you happy?  How do you know?

Are you really Living? Not just breathing.

How do you know?

Do you give everything you have to everything you do?

Is your heart full?

Do you smile all the time regardless of who might be looking at you?

Do you face every challenge knowing to do so with peace will change the outcome?

What?  You don’t do these things?

Did you know you have the power?  Did you know in the movie that is your life…, the movie that is playing right now with you as the star, you have the ability to rewrite the script?  You and no one else, unless you give them that power.

You are writing your life.  Every minute of it.  It’s how you think and how you feel and how you perceive.  It’s all you baby.

Some want to blame others for where they are at but part of the growing process is that you accept the responsibility for your own life.  Yes, you may have been given a crappy hand from birth but you determine what happens with how you handle everything that comes to you every minute of every day.

You are the star and your are the Director of this show.  So, I say, make it everything your heart desires.  Do away with the senselessness of hate and keep only Love in your heart and soul and give that Love to everyone you meet.  This is the movie you should be starring in.  

It took me a long, long time to get to this point but every single day I receive affirmations that this is really what its all about.  We are all Love, from Love, by Love and the minute we determine that is what we want to be our world changes in ways we never imagined.

Give yourself the power to change the movie.


Sloooooow Down

I am rarely in a hurry these days.  I’m not sure how that happened, or even when exactly, but somehow between trying to become more Enlightened, and learning to become Mindful of every moment I have slowed down.

Sure, age could have something to do with it but the other day when I was reflecting on this, something else entered my mind and told me that I may not move as fast as I once did because now I move with greater purpose.  I’m okay with that.

I think what that means is that I am more aware of the moments, Mindful.  Every moment is another opportunity for me to be Grateful and Humble in my awareness.  I can offer Peace and Love to the Universe in every moment.  It costs me nothing yet the benefits of this way of Life now bring me such wealth in terms of my own Peace and Happiness that I wouldn’t change a thing.

No longer do I try to race other drivers to the stoplights nor am I filled with a strange anger when someone else cuts me off unless that maneuver risks my own life.  I allow others to hurry and scurry to wherever they need to go and I wonder how much they must be missing because when you are fast, you cannot take it all in.

I was a long distance runner in my younger years and even ran some marathons.  The beauty of the endurance race is that you are moving, to some degree, at your own pace, if you are running Mindfully.  You take in the scenery.  You are aware of your body with every step and every breath.  It’s quite an amazing experience.

I never was one to race the clock, but I did get caught up in the grind.  I can recall an entire decade passing in a blur simply because I was on the wheel, working for things and trying to be something.

Now, I can really, really determine if what I think I want is really what I need and I’m happy just being me.

I once had a visualization of a very large park.  There were two dogs at one edge.  One was a sleek Greyhound while the other was a large Great Dane.  Every day the Greyhound made it to the other side of the park in minutes while the Great Dane took what seemed like forever.  And while the Greyhound was busy looking to impress, the Great Dane was just busy sniffing all the beautiful flowers.  The Greyhound missed getting a hug from a little girl just learning to walk.  It missed the flurry of brightly colored birds as they rose into the early morning sky.  It missed the wetness of the dew on its nose as it picked up the scent of something interesting.  The Great Dane however, took it all in.

I never had much patience when I was younger.  Now, I can be stuck in the middle of a waiting area for hours and still find something to be grateful for and without a paper, a cell phone or a book even, I can occupy myself while being Mindful.

It’s really quite amazing what I see and feel now that I’ve slowed down.  If Life is really a race, then let me be the last one to cross the finish line, if you catch my drift.


If It Makes You Happy . . .

We seem to learn from a very early age that our Happiness is dependent on what we do and who we are.  Later we are convinced our Happiness comes from what we have and what we accomplish…

Those who are Enlightened, or are Awakening, understand that Happiness isn’t something you collect or acquire or secure or obtain.  It is something within all of us.  The only difference between the Haves and the Have-Nots are those who have not yet learned that they have Happiness within them.

Today, I awoke in a very crappy mood.  I don’t know why. Hormones?  Early hour?  No sleep?  Anxiety?  It could be a million things.  But I knew to obsess on what might be making me depressed was not the answer.  Instead, I thanked the Universe for providing me another day and I vowed to make it a good one despite what my ego might want me to do.

It was shaky at best in the beginning.  I got out of bed, and mumbled barely audible replies to those who asked me how I was doing.  I juiced.  I took my vitamins.  I laid back down for a moment.  Then I got up and sought the company of others while I still remained somehow tucked in my own cocoon of misery.

It wasn’t automatic.  It took several hours.  But eventually I took that deep breath and realized it really was up to me if I wanted today to be a day filled with Happiness.  Happiness cannot come to you unless you are open and will it into Being.  This is true in particularly hard times where you think even for moments at a time that Happiness is up to others.

It isn’t.

Believe it and it will Be so.

I turned a sour day into a sweet one because I willed it.  It made me Happy.  Instead of the epicly bad mood that I awoke with, I ended the day with a smile on my face and laughter in my heart.  I made that choice.  I decided.

Sure, tomorrow I could wake up and feel things suck as much as I did today, but then we’ll just start the process all over again.  Who’s counting anyway?

It’s not how may times you fail but how many times you get back up.



Trust yourself.

Trust the process.

Trust the Universe, Source or whatever you call that which created You.

Trust that you are beautiful even if you are the only one who sees it.

Trust that you are unique … and identical to the rest of us at the same time.

Trust the Light and the Lightness of Being.

Trust that you Know.

Trust that you are Loved.

Trust that you Belong.

Just Trust…

And Breathe.


The Source

From the tides to the moon, to the seasons, to what we eat, how we sleep and who we interact with, we are energy.  We can draw energy from loads of places or we can give energy to others just by how we are in the Universe.

A few minutes in the sun can do wonders for mood and vitamin deficiencies, while exercise can do wonders for the body.  Sleep re-energizes and helps heal.  All of this requires some sort of energy even at the lowest level.

But sometimes you can do everything right, eat healthy, exercise, get out and about, and still not feel very energetic.

I could live quite happily as a hermit.  Solitary and safe in my own little world within the Universe, but I learned quite some time ago that the experiences in Life both the good and the not-so-good are really lessons and they can shape and mold us in some very powerful ways.  So, I exist in my world and welcome the interactions I have with others, to a point.

On the positive side, have you ever spent time among those you consider friends, the passionate ones who dream and still believe in magic and the power of positivity?  I am lucky enough to have several people who fit this category.  In their presence, even if I am not aware of it at that moment, I always leave feeling refreshed and more aware of my Being.  It’s as if someone cleaned the windows of my soul and the world looks a little brighter again.

There are some people and relationships you may have where nothing needs be said between you yet you feel something indescribable when you are together.  Love?  Sure, but also energy.  An incredible amount of energy circuiting through you and around you on the same frequency as your own.  You know this is happening because it feels like an amazing adrenaline rush even as you remain still.  You are giving and receiving positive, healing energy.

There are other people though, strangers, friends and even family members who do not cast out positive vibes.  Instead they are like black holes and they seem to suck the very Life from you.  Any length of time in their presence is draining.  They love getting together with you, but you always leave feeling like you just ran a mental/emotional marathon.  Of these people I caution you to limit your time in their presence because they truly are sapping your energy whether they even know it or not. 

When you are feeling sluggish in the mind and uneasy in the soul it is time for a recharge.  You can do this with meditation or with crystals or being in nature or finding the company of those friends who inspire.  They will give you energy, they will help you keep the fire of your spirit burning.

Energy comes from The Source, or whatever you may wish to call that which gives you Life.  It is then continually generated by you in either positive or negative ways.  You can receive more energy, if you remain open, from everything around you.  It is up to you to focus on positive energy and share that energy with others which then creates an unending circuit of vibrations that will bring Peace and Harmony to you and then through you out to the Universe.

Imagine what this world could be if everyone recognized and were grateful for the positive  energy radiating from themselves and others.
